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Fey Evolution Merchant (Web Novel)


A century after the Spirit Qi Awakening, the world enters a new era. Humans are able to absorb the world’s awakened spirit qi, allowing them to tread on a new path—spirit qi occupations!

Simultaneously, the plants and animals on the planet are also evolving toward their ancestry line or developing spiritual mutations.

Lin Yuan realizes that he can assist feys in evolving limitlessly and constantly purify their bloodlines. He starts off with a small fey evolution store on the Star Web and rises up from there.

Lin Yuan: “There is no problem that I cannot solve to deliver the goods. If there is a problem, it is because the goods are better than expectations!”

This is a story purely about pets!

Rating 4.4/5 (18 votes)

17 days 07h 35m 53s. (415 hours) • 41921 • 2021-07-13 20:34:36

Chapters (3091/1640)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
