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List Novels (Store Owner) 10 Results
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This tag means the Main Character owning and operating a store is a major part of the novel's plot.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Astral Pet StoreWeb NovelN/A1577/1217
2Black Tech Internet Cafe SystemWeb Novel2017Completed(944)
3Fey Evolution MerchantWeb NovelN/A3116/1640
4Gourmet Food SupplierWeb Novel2016Completed(2734)
5Gourmet of Another WorldWeb Novel2016Completed(1851)
6I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at PeaceWeb Novel20162131/861
7I'm Really Not the Demon God's LackeyWeb Novel2020456/457
8Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast WorldWeb Novel2018Completed(90)
9Pet KingWeb Novel20171814/1528
10Trafford’s Trading ClubWeb Novel2016948/2491