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List Novels (Sports) 12 Results
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As the name suggests, anything sports related. Baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, golf, and racing just to name a few.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Almighty CoachWeb Novel2017Completed(626)
2DIVE!!Light NovelN/ACompleted(52)
3God Level SummonerWeb Novel2016Completed(393)
4Godfather Of ChampionsWeb Novel2007Completed(1040)
5God’s Left HandWeb NovelN/ACompleted(58)
6Honey Stewed SquidWeb NovelN/ACompleted(51)
7I Am A ProdigyWeb Novel2018Completed(795)
8Martial Arts MasterWeb Novel2016Completed(753)
9Royal Roader on My OwnWeb Novel2017Completed(190)
10The King’s AvatarWeb Novel2011Completed(1729)
11The National Sweetheart Livestreamer Is A Pro!Web NovelN/ACompleted(224)
12Undefeatable – League of LegendsWeb NovelN/A532/1492