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List Novels (Female Master) 7 Results
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Tag refers to the protagonist having a female master. Please note that a master is different from a teacher. A master is someone you are apprenticed to. Unless the author calls said master as ‘master’, she will be considered just as a teacher.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Complete Martial Arts AttributesWeb Novel20192408/1633
2Fey Evolution MerchantWeb NovelN/A3093/1640
3Once Upon A Time, There Was A Spirit Sword MountainWeb Novel2013Completed(850)
4The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can EnterWeb Novel2017146/170
5World Defying Dan GodWeb Novel20123819/4512
6Worlds’ Apocalypse OnlineWeb Novel20171847/2212
7ZhanxianWeb Novel20111166/2665