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23:11 (Published Novel)

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One night, at exactly 23:11, a stranger sent Jhing Blanco a friend request on Facebook. From then on, every night at the exact same time, this stranger keeps trying to get her attention. No matter how much Jhing ignores him, no matter how many times she left him on seen, no matter how cold she is towards him…

The two strangers gradually became each other’s daily dose of 11:11.

This is an Epistolary novel—which means that a novel is written in form of letters, newspaper clippings, texts, or journal entries; and in this case, 23:11 uses a facebook messenger format…. not until the Second Book: 11/23.

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00 days 09h 06m 00s. (09 hours) • 5918 • 2020-12-03 17:20:39

Chapters (23/23)

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