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After Brushing Face At The Apocalypse’s Boss For 363 Days (Web Novel)


In the most popular 3D keyboard online game “Tomorrow”, an ordinary player, Zhang Zhiyin has a less common hobby–that is to visit Dr. Y, the ultimate boss – giving him gifts and hugs.

As a game produced NPC, the other side naturally has no response, but Zhang Zhiyin still insisted on visiting him rain or shine for 363 days. Until one day he decided to give up the game, the result was being hit by a car.

Since then, he has been dreaming every night in which he will cross into the realistic world of ‘Tomorrow’ and return to the magical journey of normal life during the day.


“From the moment he fell in love with this person, he had chosen insanity.”

Rating 3.0/5 (3 votes)

00 days 15h 45m 55s. (15 hours) • 9401 • 2020-12-19 00:45:03

Chapters (98/98)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
