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Unfathomable Power for the Low, Low Price of Someone Else's Soul (Web Novel)

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Colm Avery is a warlock. You know, the "sell your soul for unlimited power" kind of warlock. Except for the part where he sells his soul. That never sat well with him.

Instead he sells the souls of others. Murderers. He trades the souls of those already destined for hell for gifts. It's hard work. For six years he's worked 18+ hour days, taking breaks when he could or when he simply passed out from exhaustion. Finally, a windfall lands in his lap that allows him some free time. And he's using it to go on a cruise.

Unfortunately, disaster after disaster strikes the cruise. Food poisoning, bad weather and PIRATES of all things. Colm will have to use his magic, his hellish gifts and a bit of luck to not only survive, but to unravel the plot behind all these seemingly unrelated events.

This cruise to Hawaii turned out to be more than he bargained for.

Rating 3.5/5 (2 votes)

00 days 17h 42m 55s. (17 hours) • 2244 • 2024-03-08 08:05:00

Chapters (82/100)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
