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List Novels (2023) 16 Results
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# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A Black Market LitRPGWeb Novel2023178/200
2A Regressor’s Tale of CultivationWeb Novel2023506/410
3Blood & FurWeb Novel202337/50
4Circle of InevitabilityWeb Novel20231157/600
5Crest of SoulsWeb Novel2023124/100
6Department of Dungeon Studies: Arcane Academy LitRPGWeb Novel2023152/200
7Dreamer's ThroneWeb Novel202395/47
8Enchanting Melodies (HP)Web Novel2023278/300
9Eternal Records of AeonWeb Novel202336/31
10I Will Kill The AuthorWeb Novel2023406/300
11Keiran- Book 2: Wolves of the WastesWeb Novel2023180/100
12Solo Leveling: RagnarokWeb Novel2023313/212
13Su Li's Path to WealthWeb Novel2023Completed(281)
14Taoist Stele: The Rise of a Loose CultivatorWeb Novel2023390/865
15Unfathomable Power for the Low, Low Price of Someone Else's SoulWeb Novel202382/100
16Why Should I Stop Being a VillainWeb Novel2023452/400