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Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa (Light Novel)


Kusumi Chiharu gets a message one day that he has been selected as a Monster Tamer, and he is prompted to select his first partner. He thinks little of the message until he receives a giant package the following day. He assumes it’s the porn books he ordered, but the huge box ends up containing the unconscious body of a near-naked girl! She’s a ghoul named Zonmi, who intends to fight beside him as his partner.

However, it turns out that other hot girls at his mostly-male high school are also magical entities, and Zonmi may not be the only one who wants to fight by his side!

Rating 5.0/5 (1 votes)

00 days 16h 10m 19s. (16 hours) • 10130 • 2018-10-19 19:57:06

Chapters (42/42)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
