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List Novels (Monster Girls) 9 Results
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creatures and other beings of a monster race that for gained/have a female form. Doesn't have to apply to the entirety of that race to use this tag. MUST play a role in the story.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess – The Weakest Mage among the ClassmatesWeb Novel2018349/256
2In Different World with Naruto SystemWeb NovelN/ACompleted(383)
3Long Live Summons!Web Novel20101037/1399
4Maou na Ore to Fushihime no YubiwaLight Novel2012Completed(42)
5Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!Web Novel2013Completed(113)
6My Girlfriend is a ZombieWeb Novel2011958/1362
7Oukoku e Tsuzuku MichiWeb Novel2014636/676
8OverlordLight Novel2010191/200
9Shinka no MiWeb Novel2014228/211