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List Novels (2010) 32 Results
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# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A Mistaken Marriage Match: Record of Washed GrievancesWeb Novel2010Completed(112)
2Chaotic Sword GodWeb Novel20103845/2852
3Commanding Wind and CloudWeb Novel2010652/722
4Dark Blood AgeWeb Novel2010800/1717
5Dragon King’s Son-In-LawWeb Novel2010Completed(790)
6GekkouWeb Novel2010Completed(13)
7Golden TimeLight Novel201028/50
8Harem DynastWeb Novel2010Completed(15)
9Knight's & MagicLight Novel2010105/150
10Lady CultivatorWeb Novel2010356/685
11Legend of Concubine’s Daughter MinglanWeb Novel2010354/376
12Log HorizonLight Novel201043/100
13Long Live Summons!Web Novel20101037/1399
14Maoyuu Maou YuushaLight Novel2010Completed(55)
15Omnipotent SageWeb Novel2010Completed(897)
16One Night, One Day, One Year, One LifetimeWeb Novel2010Completed(13)
17Otherworldly Evil MonarchWeb Novel2010Completed(1277)
18OverlordLight Novel2010191/200
19Passion HeavenWeb Novel2010Completed(28)
20Raising a Fox Spirit in My HomeWeb Novel2010683/988
21Seikoku no Ryuu KishiLight Novel2010151/300
22Seirei Tsukai no Blade DanceLight Novel2010Completed(252)
23Soaring of GalaxiaWeb Novel2010937/1046
24Stunning EdgeWeb Novel2010Completed(332)
25Swallowed StarWeb Novel2010Completed(1486)
26Tempest of the BattlefieldWeb Novel2010Completed(678)
27The Amber SwordWeb Novel2010877/1467
28The Silly AlchemistWeb Novel2010Completed(778)
29Toaru Majutsu no Index SS: KanzakiWeb Novel2010Completed(8)
30Tsuki TsukiLight Novel2010Completed(73)
31Union Of EnemiesWeb Novel2010Completed(60)
32World of CultivationWeb Novel2010Completed(915)