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Kar98K Upon Touchdown! (Web Novel)

Associated Names:





Midnight Iced


Liu Zilang had a well-kept secret — he was a prodigy in competitive FPS eSports. His specialty? CSGO. He even entered the finals in the prestigious world tournament.

Alas, his team fell short due to Liu Zilang’s inexperience. Shattered by the fact, Liu Zilang vanished from the eSports scene. That was until his friends got him to play a new game known as PUBG.

Liu Zilang’s life turned around and he began to make his comeback. Follow Liu Zilang as he encounters difficult situations, all while learning to open up as a person, but more importantly as a brother.

Rating 1.0/5 (1 votes)

04 days 07h 38m 15s. (103 hours) • 7277 • 2019-12-06 22:33:40

Chapters (773/1183)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
