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Kantan na Monitor desu (Web Novel)


Welcome to Attraction Land.

You all have been brought to this world famous amusement park for a certain task that you have been promised an extraordinary reward for helping us with.

We will be asking you to carry out a simple monitoring. We will be showing you documents outlining some experimental attractions as well as image videos for them.

Oh, and we would like for you to provide at least three points of improvement for each attraction. Answer everything and do not leave any spaces on your form blank.

It does not matter how small a thing it is.

Now, it is time to begin monitoring.

Rating 2.7/5 (3 votes)

00 days 06h 52m 40s. (06 hours) • 3972 • 2022-02-06 09:08:40

Chapters (28/29)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
