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Kami-sama no Memochou (Light Novel)




Hikari Sugii


“I am not an ordinary detective, but a NEET detective. Searching the whole world to locate the words of the dead.”

The NEET Detective leading the NEETs who gathered in the dark alley – Alice said that.

The perplexing incident that Ayaka and I were wound into during the winter of my first year at high school, and also the malicious drug ‘Angel Fix’ that corroded the city, the mystery was unraveled by the detective girl Alice who doesn’t take even one step out of her room.

“Knowing the truth might destroy the tranquil life of your past, do you wish to know even so?”

Because of my answer, the NEETs who usually do nothing were mobilized to solve the case!

Rating 5.0/5 (1 votes)

02 days 17h 44m 57s. (65 hours) • 5825 • 2018-11-01 23:15:57

Chapters (67/67)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
