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Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~ (Web Novel)


Fate, a gatekeeper who had been working for the castle, leads a troublesome life.

Constant hunger attacks triggered by a power forced upon him at birth. A useless skill, it only serves to make him hungrier; however, unbeknownst to him, it has a concealed ability.

One day, having killed a thief sneaking into the castle, he finally noticed its true power.

A skill that feeds upon the very soul of the subjects he kills, depriving them of all their powers. Finally, his constant hunger had been satiated for the first time.

With just that, the man who had been treated like a pile of tr*sh slowly started raising his head. Having exceeded the concept of levels, he strikes fear with his terror-like strength, earning him the nickname…

The Glutton Berserker

Rating 1.4/5 (5 votes)

01 days 11h 05m 22s. (35 hours) • 18215 • 2019-05-06 11:48:46

Chapters (218/204)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
