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Five Frozen Centuries (Web Novel)

Associated Names:

FFC, 时停五百年




Dr. Dreamer


Wei Huo has been ignored and overlooked by almost everyone his entire life, including God. In a bid to transform the world into a more game-like one, God halted time for all humanity except for Wei Huo, leaving him to fend for himself. The teenager has no choice but to strive for survival whilst waiting for the day humanity’s clock to start ticking again. But wait a minute! What if that wait is longer than a person’s lifespan? Follow Wei Huo on his survival journey in a world infested with mutated beasts and carnivorous plants.

Rating 1.0/5 (10 votes)

02 days 07h 26m 00s. (55 hours) • 12017 • 2020-12-11 11:46:42

Chapters (434/434)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
