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Breakers (Web Novel)

Associated Names:





Chwiryong, 취룡


My name is Joo In-gong. The name that my parents gave me meant ‘protagonist’ of the world. Really?

As anyone can predict, I was constantly teased due to my name. In kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school. If I went to university as planned then I would probably be laughed at there as well.

So, at one point, I really hated my name.

But not anymore. Now, I think slightly differently. Maybe being named Joo In-gong was a type of foreshadowing?

Rating 1.3/5 (10 votes)

02 days 04h 23m 47s. (52 hours) • 16349 • 2018-10-20 09:48:28

Chapters (234/234)

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