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Ballad of Ten Thousand Gu (Web Novel)




Ye Xiao, 叶笑


Before she jumped into the pond filled with ten thousand venomous creatures, Ah Lai asked her, ‘Did you ever regret meeting him?’

Su Bai watched her quietly. After a long moment, she lifted her lips and smiled. ‘It was the greatest blessing of my life to have met him.’

And she leapt off the steps.

She thought: no matter how difficult her love was, no matter how she hated and then despaired, in this life, she was immensely fortunate.

Because she had once loved a person so deeply.

Even if, he had never loved her.

Rating 4.0/5 (1 votes)

00 days 00h 40m 54s. (00 hours) • 8182 • 2018-05-16 20:35:25

Chapters (5/5)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
