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List Novels (Short Story) 18 Results
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This tag is to be used for novels with 10 or less chapters AND with no more than one volume published (if relevant) in its original RAW. The 10 chapters mentioned does not include Prologue, Epilogue, Extras or Side Stories of the novel. The 10 chapters should be connected to each other and not disjointed. This tag should not be confused with Collection of Short Stories tag or Oneshot tag.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
14:48Web Novel2018Completed(8)
2As an Otaku Me Met a Yandere HerWeb Novel2017Completed(11)
3Ballad of Ten Thousand GuWeb NovelN/ACompleted(5)
4Forbidden LoveWeb NovelN/ACompleted(10)
5Grave DiggerWeb Novel2013Completed(9)
6Himitsu – Kuro no ChikaiLight Novel2012Completed(19)
7I Hold Your Voice Alone, Under The Starry SkyLight Novel2018Completed(8)
8In a World Without LifeWeb NovelN/ACompleted(8)
9Kimi no Suizou wo TabetaiLight Novel2015Completed(12)
10Kokuhaku Yokou RenshuuLight Novel2014Completed(8)
11Manuscript Screening Boy and Manuscript Submitting GirlLight Novel2015Completed(7)
12Mary-san Comes on FootWeb Novel2017Completed(8)
13Mulberry SongWeb NovelN/ACompleted(4)
14My HeroWeb Novel2017Oneshot
15Tada, Sore Dake de Yokattan desuLight Novel2016Completed(12)
16The Demoness Is Not EvilWeb NovelN/ACompleted(20)
17The Destruction of a Triad Boss TrilogyPublished NovelN/ACompleted(5)
18When I Met YouWeb Novel2009Completed(3)