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List Novels (2006) 15 Results
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# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Battlefield: MasurawoLight Novel2006Completed(28)
2Chaos Of BeautyChinese Novel2006Completed(38)
3Chrome Shelled RegiosLight Novel2006Completed(172)
4Fate/ZeroLight Novel2006Completed(95)
5Gate – Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku TatakeriLight Novel2006Completed(72)
6Harem CaravanWeb Novel2006Completed(6)
7Harem EngagementLight Novel2006Completed(6)
8Lament at Changmen PalaceChinese Novel2006Oneshot
9Legend of the Supreme SoldierWeb Novel2006Completed(606)
10Magic Chef of Ice and FireWeb Novel2006171/256
11Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate SpitfireWeb Novel20063069/2516
12Romance RPGWeb Novel2006Completed(37)
13Silent Hill 2Light Novel2006Completed(7)
14Toradora!Light Novel2006Completed(72)
15Very Pure and Ambiguous: The PrequelWeb Novel2006Completed(745)