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List Novels (LitRPG) 12 Results
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# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A Black Market LitRPGWeb Novel2023150/200
2Darius SupremeWeb Novel2021686/700
3Department of Dungeon Studies: Arcane Academy LitRPGWeb Novel2023152/200
4Divinity: Against the Godly SystemWeb Novel2020Completed(661)
5Inexorable ChaosWeb Novel2019270/300
6Legend of the Empyrean BlacksmitWeb Novel2018Completed(574)
7My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of DeathWeb Novel2020771/1000
8Super Necromancer SystemWeb Novel2021163/500
9The Oracle PathsWeb Novel20201163/800
10The RunesmithWeb Novel2020464/300
11The Young Master in the ShadowsWeb Novel2021441/500
12True EndgameWeb Novel2018478/600