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List Novels (Gunfighters) 13 Results
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This tag is used if major characters, not necessarily the main character, use small firearms as primary weapons in battles.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
148 Hours a DayWeb NovelN/ACompleted(1449)
2A VIP as Soon as You Log InWeb Novel2019Completed(345)
3Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai SaikyouWeb Novel2013499/450
4Extras in FictionWeb Novel2018Completed(379)
5Fatal ShotWeb NovelN/A718/1346
6Fate/ZeroLight Novel2006Completed(95)
7Genius WarlockWeb Novel2021437/634
8Holy Emperor’s Grandson is a NecromancerWeb Novel2018Completed(384)
9Imperial Phoenix RulesWeb NovelN/A640/3479
10Master of the End TimesWeb NovelN/ACompleted(1087)
11Monster ParadiseWeb Novel20171935/1758
12Super Detective in the Fictional WorldWeb NovelN/A2232/2158
13The Legendary MechanicWeb Novel2017Completed(1463)