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List Novels (Economics) 12 Results
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Tag should be used if the storyline has major economic-related themes in it.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
112 Hours AfterWeb Novel2018Completed(198)
2Bringing The Farm To Live In Another WorldWeb Novel20112074/11068
3Chong Sheng Zhi Zei Xing Tian XiaWeb Novel2010Completed(995)
4Emperor of SteelWeb NovelN/ACompleted(773)
5Genius WarlockWeb Novel2021437/634
6God of MoneyWeb Novel2018Completed(203)
7JeonsaengjaWeb Novel570564/2018
8Maoyuu Maou YuushaLight Novel2010Completed(55)
9Otherworld Nation Founding ChroniclesWeb Novel2015161/305
10Pure Love ✕ Insult ComplexWeb Novel20111468/1470
11Release that WitchWeb Novel2016Completed(1498)
12The Empress’s GigoloWeb Novel2017950/1256