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List Novels (Dragon Slayers) 10 Results
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where a major character, usually the Main character slays a dragon and is know for this act, or plays a major part of the story.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Abyss DominationWeb Novel2014530/1126
2Custom Made Demon KingWeb NovelN/ACompleted(489)
3Daddy Fantasy World RestaurantWeb Novel20172490/2489
4Half-elves Fall in LoveWeb Novel2017524/878
5Holistic FantasyWeb Novel2016241/1452
6Leviathan of the CovenantLight Novel2012Completed(204)
7Tales from the OakWeb Novel2017448/447
8The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War ~And Thus, I Became The Strongest Knight Disciple (♀) in The World~Web Novel2019316/300
9The Spearmaster and the Black CatWeb Novel2016426/864
10Trash of the Count’s FamilyWeb Novel2017949/800