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The Emperor Wants To Marry The Doctor (Web Novel)


In her previous life, she was a highly respected Heavenly Empress, but on the eve of her wedding, she was betrayed and died by self-immolation!

Reborn as the abandoned daughter of a broken dog family, she was bullied, however, the one who hurt her is above her and enjoying the prestige!

Once reborn, the phoenix flew into the heavens once again!

Taming divine beasts, coagulating the Force, mastering the art of healing and poison, and controlling the life and death of the gods!

She vowed to make those who betrayed and abused her suffer and return the torment a hundredfold!

He is a weak and gentle King Li, and the King of the Night, who holds the world in his hands, but for one person, he has devoted his life to her.

He promises to make sure that the only person he has ever loved is safe and happy, forever living in bliss.

She thought the journey would be filled with blood and tears, but she didn’t know that what awaited her instead was a lifetime of premeditated, luxurious favours!

Rating 3.7/5 (3 votes)

12 days 14h 17m 48s. (302 hours) • 87165 • 2021-08-02 20:43:58

Chapters (2584/2589)

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