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No.1 Bodyguard (Web Novel)

Associated Names:





Xiao Wu, 小舞 


Four years ago, Lin Xiaocao was inducted as mysterious mercenary company Tianting’s eighth member, the only new member in twenty years. At Xiaocao’s request, the company went on a mission to Egypt — a mission that went horribly wrong. As Tianting’s only survivor, Xiacao has sworn to avenge his team.

With the fall of Tianting, Xiacao is forced to work as a bodyguard for a cousin he despises. Will he manage to gain the resources to take down Tianting’s enemies, or will he kill his cousin out of frustration?

Rating 3.0/5 (5 votes)

09 days 20h 22m 12s. (236 hours) • 6989 • 2021-08-01 16:06:52

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