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My Artist Is Reborn (Web Novel)






Shen Huai was abandoned by all his artists and took over the one no one was optimistic about, the unpopular newcomer Ye Cang.

Ye Cang caught fire all over the country. Everyone thought it was due to Shen Huai’s influence. Only Shen Huai knew that his artist was a reborn rockstar.

Later, Shen Huai also signed the reborn “Legendary Film Queen,” the unsurpassed “Golden Supporting Role,” the “Queen of All Love Songs,” and the “Greatest Superstar in the Past Hundred Years.” Thus, he breathed a sigh of relief; he didn’t have to return to inherit billions of dollars.

Rating 5.0/5 (1 votes)

01 days 14h 14m 40s. (38 hours) • 3088 • 2022-11-12 10:36:30

Chapters (194/194)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
