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Infernal Hero (Web Novel)


Born to a mother on death row and subsequently raised in the prison, Gu Tianyou did not have what most people would consider a ‘normal’ childhood. Instead of the usual math and history one might learn at a public school, he had criminals for tutors. He received regular lessons from notorious serial killer, Dr. Miao, and earned protection from the respected Master Long.

With such a unique background, Gu Tianyou graduated from the Police Academy with little difficulty, and was assigned as an undercover cop. But will the skills he learned from a lifetime of being cared for by criminals be enough to help him take criminals down?

Rating 1.0/5 (2 votes)

07 days 23h 40m 46s. (191 hours) • 6830 • 2021-08-03 09:11:17

Chapters (905/905)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
