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I Can Track Everything (Web Novel)

Associated Names:





Sanmao Wu


Traveling through the Xianxia world, Chen Chen got the strongest tracking system and was able to track everything ever since.

Chen Chen, “System, I am short of money.” “Two meters away, your father has hidden some money under the bed. Five meters away, there is a rusty copper coin buried half a meter underground.” “There is a piece of silver in the grass ahead.”

Chen Chen, “System, I need some luck.” “The sh*t in front of the pigsty is actually not ordinary.” “Go to Black Peak cliff twenty miles away to jump off the cliff.” “Somewhere hidden there is a fairy cave mansion. Please explore by yourself.”

Rating 4.8/5 (5 votes)

05 days 18h 58m 20s. (138 hours) • 17277 • 2021-07-14 21:15:28

Chapters (907/907)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
