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Hello, Heir (Web Novel)


He is the heir of Di Hao Group; decisive, cold-blooded yet dotes on his wife a little too much.

“Husband, I think I want to rear a pet. What do you think we should rear?”

“Rear you.”

“Husband, I want to change bed sheets. Which material do you think is the most comfortable to sleep on?”



Zhuang Nai Nai: Can’t he speak properly for once?

One day, somebody asked the man, “Why are you always the first one to bow your head every time you two fight?”

Si Zheng Ting: “I am 185 cm, she is 165 cm. Of course I have to bow down to speak to her.”

To put it short, this is a story about a black-belly president, his wife and their effort to conceive children after marriage.

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02 days 12h 29m 38s. (60 hours) • 5768 • 2020-10-21 18:47:50

Chapters (942/2613)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
