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Geomancy Couple (Web Novel)

Associated Names:





Sua, 수아


Believe in Feng Shui, love will come true.

The woman who had bad luck with her choices of men her entire life.

She suddenly ends up in a marriage but quickly divorces after fighting over their newlywed house.

And to this cursed women, a master of Feng Shui approaches.

“Believe in Feng Shui, love will come true.”

But as this ‘Master’ appears, strange things start occuring.

Wait… This is love?

Rating 5.0/5 (1 votes)

00 days 13h 53m 46s. (13 hours) • 5074 • 2020-02-19 14:46:21

Chapters (97/97)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
