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Dragon King with Seven Stars (Light Novel)




Gu Long, 古龍, 古龙


Wu Tao, a small mysterious trader, suddenly appears in the city of Jinan and encounters with Yuanbao, a foxy little beggar. Wu Taos identity as a trader is suspected soon, because on the day before he appears, Sun Jicheng, a millionare in Jinan dies a mysterious death, and people finds the dead one is his substitute. Around the countless wealth, confusing identity and the seven mysterious stars in the little beggar, various figures come on stage, starting a magical adventure story.

Rating 4.0/5 (1 votes)

00 days 09h 04m 47s. (09 hours) • 12114 • 2018-10-31 15:28:38

Chapters (25/25)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
