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Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife (Web Novel)


After recently taking on the job as the President of Jing Sheng Group’s assistant, she reports to the president, who has also just taken office, for work.

“Tomorrow morning, postpone all the meetings. At 9 o’clock, follow me to the civil administration office to receive the license.”

On the first day of work, she already encountered an overbearing president that is forcing her to receive the license. Should she resist or obey?

At night, a certain someone leans on the edge of the door, saying in a light and lazy manner: “Madam, I want to turn off the lights. Are you sure you want to go to sleep wrapped like a steamed dumpling while holding a knife?”

“Either that or you can go out to sleep!”

“Impossible, this is my home!”

“During the day, you transferred the house to me. So now it’s my home!”

Rating 2.0/5 (2 votes)

07 days 23h 52m 30s. (191 hours) • 10180 • 2020-10-10 20:43:54

Chapters (1656/1656)

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