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«Armipotent (Web Novel) - Chapter 1522 God Order

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Chapter 1522 God Order

This chapter is updated by Novels.pl

“Our main character for today has returned!” Oby welcomed Tang Shaoyang with open arms, grinning ear to ear. The baldy looked so happy.

Tang Shaoyang raised his right eyebrow. It was unusual of Oby, and he noticed the bar was empty as well. There was no one except for him and Oby.

“What is this?”

“Come! Come!” Oby motioned to come to the usual seat, “Tonight is my treat. Everything is on me, drinks and meals. You can order anything you want.”

Knowing no one could hurt him inside the city, Tang Shaoyang came over. He sat on his usual spot and looked Oby in the eyes.

“What are you planning?”

“You are too suspicious of me. That hurt me, you know.” Imagine a baldy with a bulky build, wearing a white apron acted coquettish. That was what Oby did just now. That sent a shiver to Tang Shaoyang.

“You are too serious. Just relax and celebrate your first win.”

“But why are you so happy for me? Do you have a grudge against Amos? Or against Vigamaur Dgaror?” Tang Shaoyang could not help but feel suspicious of Oby.

“Not a grudge, more like I am happy that you delivered a blow to Vigamaur Dgaror. That’s enough to make me happy. And I would like to invite you to join me in God Order.”

Tang Shaoyang expected there was something from Oby. But he never expected an invitation to join a faction, not from Oby. On top of that, the invitation came out of nowhere. They knew each other for over a week, but why now? The most logical would be on the last day of the stage one trial. He did not think that much and shook his head before declining the offer.

“I don’t take orders from anyone. So I will not join your faction.”

“Listen to me first, Tang. You will join me after you hear how big the influence of the God Order is in the God Realm. If you join us, no faction or alliance dare to touch you. Listen to me first…”

Tang Shaoyang did not mind listening to Oby. The cook started what God Order was. It was an alliance formed by strong factions in the God Realm. What was the purpose of God Order? Setting up an order in the God Realm. That was the God Order’s ultimate goal.

That meant they wanted to conquer the God Realm and the other factions to create a proper reign. One of their jobs was to control the factions, making sure they were not growing too strong for the other factions. Vigamaur Dgaror was one of those factions. That was why Oby was so happy when he brought the two heads and wiped out twenty-six Vigamaur Dgaror. That would slow down the growth of Vigamaur Dgaror.

That sounded cool, bringing justice for the weak faction or alliance. If it was the old and naive Tang Shaoyang. That really sounded cool, but not the current Tang Shaoyang. That just convinced Tang Shaoyang not to join the God Order.

It felt like they were no different than Nirvana who he fought before. The Divine Church and the other factions thought that a person with a class like Tang Shaoyang should not exist. Who were they to make such a stupid decision? This God Order sounded similar, but Nirvana Alliance was into more specific things.

“As I said, I don’t take orders from anyone. From what you tell me, joining you will require me to listen to a lot of orders. And I also have a faction of my own, so I have to decline your offer.”

He realized why someone as strong as Oby was here, watching the trial as a cook. The bald man had another duty, it was to recruit the promising God Rank. He also realized that Oby pushed him to fight Amos as a test. It was a test of whether he had the quality to join the God Order. That was most likely what happened here. It was the same as the White Mystery again back then.

“There’s no need to hurry to make the decision, Tang. You have more than a month to make the decision. So what do you want to eat for dinner,” Oby took the refusal better than the White Mystery, “I wish you good luck against Amos. He might come after you tomorrow.” The cook grinned ear to ear.”

Tang Shaoyang hoped Oby would stay this way during the trial. Fighting the Administrator excited him, but he would not go all the way to pick a fight on his own.

He put aside his thoughts and ordered the usual order. After his dinner, he returned to his room. Tomorrow might be the day of his clash against Amos.

“I believe you will come to me on your own. But don’t worry, my invitation to you will not expire. You are welcome anytime.” That was Oby’s last words before they parted. ‘Does that mean Oby is using you to cull Vigamaur Dgaror’s number?’ Avyn did not like that.

“It’s a trade, just a business. Didn’t he promise to hold the other Administrators?”

‘What about the three Administrators with Amos? You have to be prepared to fight them all.’ Vandir reminded Tang Shaoyang.

It was the day when his point deducted that he met with the other three overseers for the trial, the other three Administrators.

“That’s true. Fortunately, I have seen their faces. We can retreat anytime if they are with Amos,” That was his reason for leaving his spirits.

*** ***

Even after creating an uproar yesterday, Tang Shaoyang started his day just like usual. Having his breakfast as well as coffee for the morning. Then he walked out of the lodging. As soon as he was out, he noticed many eyes on him.

It was not just four people, but he saw more than twenty people monitoring him. A few of them acted like a disguise, and the remaining of them were Admin Helpers. It seemed like he pissed a lot of people off by bringing Oras’ head back.

‘Are you ready for the main fight today?’ Tang Shaoyang asked his spirits. He felt today might be the day he fought an Administrator.

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