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Affinity: Chaos (Web Novel)

Associated Names:







«Grey, elemental affinity, zero» The Elder announced the result loudly.

On hearing this, it was like a bolt of lightning struck Grey, he stood there dumbfounded and just stared at the Elder.

Shocked voices could be heard from the people and there was some which were also filled with scorn.

Grey stood dazed amidst all the noises without any reactions. One word was constantly reverberating in his head, 'How?'.

'Why, why did this happen to me?' Grey asked himself over and over again

Rating 3.8/5 (18 votes)

06 days 14h 48m 38s. (158 hours) • 20609 • 2022-08-21 19:46:25

Chapters (1490/1000)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
