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Li Xianyu (Web Novel)

Associated Names:

TXV, 超品透视




Li Xianyu, 李闲鱼


Xia Lei, whose parents were no longer around, had to work hard to support himself and his sister. One day, he got into an accident at work which burnt his left eye. After he awoke in the hospital bed, he discovered that his eye was not blind – it gained abilities! Now, he is using these abilities to right the wrongs and make a better life for himself and others. Will Xia Lei triumph over the corrupt and privileged with his newfound power?

I am destined to be the protagonist of this era!

Rating 1.0/5 (7 votes)

09 days 01h 08m 40s. (217 hours) • 10764 • 2019-05-10 21:47:05

Chapters (1201/2621)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
