Random Novel
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The Returned Demon King Lives A Good Life (Web Novel)


My whole life, all I wanted was power.

I churned the world into rivers of blood and eventually gained the title, ‘Demon Lord of Strength’. However, all this became useless when I lost to a party of heroes.

But what can a loser say? As I laid dying, I was forced to listen to the hero’s gibberish:

“If you are born again, I hope that you will live a kind life!”

But huh? When I opened my eyes again, I was back in the past.

“What do I have to do to live a kind life?”

This is the beginning of an ex-Demon Lord’s journey to live a ‘kind’ life.

Rating 4.2/5 (6 votes)

05 days 05h 34m 31s. (125 hours) • 3283 • 2022-12-02 15:41:36

Chapters (628/628)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
