Random Novel

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List Novels (Writers) 12 Results
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The protagonist or main love interest is an author or writes for books, news, media, or music. The character's work as a writer should be an important plot point of the story.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
111/23Published Novel2015Completed(30)
2A Generation of Military DivisionWeb NovelN/A219/224
3Easily Set AflameWeb Novel2011Completed(65)
4Extras in FictionWeb Novel2018Completed(379)
5I’m Really a SuperstarWeb Novel2014Completed(1696)
6I’m a High School Boy and a Bestselling Light Novel Author, Strangled by My Female Junior and a Voice ActressLight Novel2014Completed(30)
7Manuscript Screening Boy and Manuscript Submitting GirlLight Novel2015Completed(7)
8Muchuan and Xiang WanWeb Novel2018682/761
9Shift! The Side-Character HeroineWeb Novel2011Completed(764)
10The Demon Prince goes to the AcademyWeb Novel2021Completed(703)
11The Great StorytellerWeb Novel2017Completed(394)
12What’s Wrong With Liking My Busty Adopted Daughter?Web Novel201713/508