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List Novels (Ninjas) 16 Results
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Tag is to be used if this novel major characters, not necessarily the main character only, has ninja as their occupation.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated!Web Novel2012Completed(158)
2Breakthrough with the Forbidden MasterWeb Novel2019328/397
3Comic System in Naruto’s WorldWeb Novel2019377/382
4God Of Soul SystemWeb Novel2017Completed(709)
5Harem of the Dora PrinceLight Novel2017Completed(21)
6Hokage: Ryo’s PathWeb Novel2017568/567
7In Different World with Naruto SystemWeb NovelN/ACompleted(383)
8In a Different World with a SmartphoneWeb Novel2013465/491
9Naruto: The Strongest KakashiWeb Novel2017832/888
10Reborn into Naruto World with TenseiganWeb Novel2018840/1460
11Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At SchoolWeb NovelN/A3483/3188
12Sheng WangWeb Novel2011Completed(1601)
13Shinka no MiWeb Novel2014228/211
14Skeleton Knight, in Another WorldWeb Novel2014Completed(197)
15The King of the BattlefieldWeb Novel2016Completed(282)
16The Strongest HokageWeb Novel2016630/638