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List Novels (Multiple Protagonists) 13 Results
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If a series has more than one protagonist, then this tag is to be used. This could include a rival who gets equal screen time, or multiple points of view. Also if in a series both the male and female leads are to be considered as protagonists, then this tag is to be used.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Da Tang Shuang Long ZhuanPublished Novel1996797/900
2Demon King & HeroPublished Novel2013Completed(66)
3Etsusa BridgeLight Novel2003Completed(55)
4Female WarriorWeb Novel2012Completed(21)
5Gu Fang Bu Zi ShangChinese Novel2005Completed(75)
6Kasou Ryouiki no ElysionLight Novel2013Completed(24)
7Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some CubsWeb Novel2017Completed(1661)
8Parasite in LoveWeb Novel2016Completed(11)
9Song of AdolescenceWeb NovelN/A470/471
10Tales of Leo Attiel ~Portrait of the Headless Prince~Light Novel201513/31
11The Zashiki Warashi of Intellectual VillageLight Novel2012Completed(103)
12Twin HeroesPublished Novel1966Completed(102)
13Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!Web NovelN/ACompleted(537)