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List Novels (Movies) 9 Results
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This refers to the setting of the story. It is recommended to use this as an extension of the Acting tag, to indicate that the protagonist acts in movies. Or, it can be used to indicate that the setting consists of a cinema hall.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Hidden MarriageWeb Novel2016Completed(2163)
2I Am A ProdigyWeb Novel2018Completed(795)
3Infinite HorrorWeb Novel2007Completed(829)
4I’m Really a SuperstarWeb Novel2014Completed(1696)
5Marvel's SupermanWeb Novel2020458/500
6One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good WifeWeb Novel20164772/4652
7Rebirth: How a Loser Became a Prince CharmingWeb Novel2017Completed(1010)
8Super Detective in the Fictional WorldWeb NovelN/A2232/2158
9The Ultimate EvolutionWeb Novel2011Completed(1460)