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List Novels (Love at First Sight) 10 Results
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# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Battle FrenzyWeb Novel2016Completed(1228)
2Bringing the Nation’s Husband HomeWeb Novel2015Completed(973)
3Honey Stewed SquidWeb NovelN/ACompleted(51)
4LegendWeb Novel2013634/1932
5Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some CubsWeb Novel2017Completed(1661)
6Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient GreeceWeb Novel2019896/1324
7Priceless Baby’s Super DaddyWeb Novel20182777/2689
8Pure Love ✕ Insult ComplexWeb Novel20111468/1470
9The Glory After RebirthWeb Novel2018Completed(579)
10The Monarch's ChronicleWeb Novel2016334/348