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List Novels (Delinquents) 4 Results
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A delinquent is a young miscreant who does petty crimes, not necessarily for livelihood. This tag is to be used when either the protagonist/love interest/major character is a delinquent, and this aspect is relevant to the plot for its development. Not to be confused with Criminals tag, where the crimes committed are often major and more harmful. It is encouraged to use Delinquent tag when the character is a highschooler.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1I Am SupremeWeb Novel20171092/1479
2Isekai Tensei – Kimi to no Saikai made Nagai koto Nagai kotoWeb Novel2016158/271
3I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a GirlWeb Novel2012924/1360
4The Great Mage Returns After 4000 YearsWeb Novel2017561/851