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List Novels (Clan Building) 17 Results
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The following tag is to used when there is sufficiently important focus in the administration, specially raising or building, of a clan.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Age of AdeptsWeb Novel2016Completed(1513)
2Banished to Another WorldWeb Novel2014Completed(659)
3Bringing The Farm To Live In Another WorldWeb Novel20112074/11068
4Demons and GodsWeb Novel2015496/500
5Emperor FuWeb Novel2008Completed(2251)
6Global Descent: 100×RewardWeb Novel2021784/797
7Godly Stay-Home DadWeb Novel20171727/1733
8Holy Chronicles of BaatorWeb Novel2021344/400
9Immortal and Martial Dual CultivationWeb Novel2008Completed(2381)
10Isekai Nonbiri NoukaWeb Novel2016807/705
11Pan LongWeb Novel2008Completed(806)
12Portraits of BeautyWeb Novel2012Completed(2492)
13Sheng WangWeb Novel2011Completed(1601)
14The First HunterWeb Novel2016Completed(162)
15The Steward Demonic EmperorWeb Novel20161316/1315
16Thế Giới Hoàn MỹWeb Novel2013Completed(2017)
17Versatile MageWeb Novel20153164/3214