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List Novels (Cannibalism) 15 Results
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Cannibalism is the practice of eating the flesh of one's own species(Not exclusive to humans). Novels tagged with this will contain such a scene(s)

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Banished to Another WorldWeb Novel2014Completed(659)
2Genius WarlockWeb Novel2021437/634
3God and Devil WorldWeb Novel2013Completed(1216)
4Infinite BloodcoreWeb Novel2020212/325
5Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?Web Novel2015Completed(604)
6My Girlfriend is a ZombieWeb Novel2011951/1362
7My House of HorrorsWeb Novel2018Completed(1211)
8My Special Ability is Perfect ReplicationWeb NovelN/ACompleted(361)
9The Dungeon SeekerLight Novel201578/100
10The Girl Who Ate a Death GodWeb Novel2012Completed(38)
11The Godsfall ChroniclesWeb NovelN/ACompleted(905)
12The Lazy KingWeb Novel2014Completed(61)
13Tower of KarmaWeb Novel201469/628
14Unruly Phoenix XiaoyaoWeb Novel2015Completed(384)
15Zombie Sister StrategyWeb Novel2016Completed(1456)