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I Really Don’t Notice (Light Novel)


Life isn’t dramatic.

Takasugi Shinsaku once mentioned, “The mind to bring interest to an otherwise uninteresting world”, but if you’ll let me have my say, “An otherwise uninteresting world is also interesting”.

The world is just right with this level of boredom.

That is the conclusion to the results of my, Kagoshima Akira’s seventeen years of lived experience.

It’s not like anything’s ever going to happen.

I mean.

Witches from other worlds,

and cyber soldiers paying a visit from the future,

and psychics fighting under the instruction of research institutions

don’t exist, after all.

Rating 2.5/5 (4 votes)

01 days 00h 20m 42s. (24 hours) • 8219 • 2018-12-18 19:48:53

Chapters (59/59)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
