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Downtown Druid (Web Novel)

Associated Names:







Betrayed by his former gang and thrown into the Rendhold Underprison, Dantes has spent the last five years scraping by.

A whoreson of orcish, human, and elvish blood, he's lived on the periphery of the periphery, lying, cheating, and stealing to survive. After a run of bad luck, he's made a powerful enemy. Luckily, he's also gotten all the tools he needs to turn things around.

A slow burn progression fantasy focused on rising through the criminal underworld of a city-state using newfound powers and quick wits.

Rating 3.2/5 (6 votes)

00 days 20h 14m 45s. (20 hours) • 1515 • 2024-08-03 07:47:24

Chapters (133/200)

ID The chapter Time Addition Time
