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List Novels (War Records) 9 Results
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The novel documents the history of a war, and details the protagonist's actions in that war. Focus on the war should be a major element in the novel.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1FFF-Class Trashero-NovelWeb Novel2018442/428
2Kyoukai Senjou no HorizonLight Novel2008660/1000
3Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?Light Novel2009222/300
4The Amber SwordWeb Novel2010877/1467
5The Experimental Log of the Crazy LichWeb Novel2014Completed(840)
6The Girl Who Ate a Death GodWeb Novel2012Completed(38)
7The Girl Who Bore the Flame RingWeb Novel2014Completed(48)
8The Strongest Guild Master Founded a Nation in a WeekWeb Novel2017Completed(240)
9Wortenia SenkiWeb Novel2009224/233