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List Novels (Or*y) 9 Results
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This tag is to be ONLY used in the case of a smut/erotic series if the series contains described instances where a group of men and women take part in sex. Typically, at least 4 people.

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1Adolescent AdamLight Novel2009Completed(88)
2Half-elves Fall in LoveWeb Novel2017524/878
3Harem CaravanWeb Novel2006Completed(6)
4Harem DynastWeb Novel2010Completed(15)
5Harem EngagementLight Novel2006Completed(6)
6Harem PiratesWeb Novel2005Completed(6)
7Harem SisterWeb Novel2007Completed(6)
8Oukoku e Tsuzuku MichiWeb Novel2014636/676
9Summoning the Holy SwordWeb Novel2012Completed(1381)