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List Novels (Enlightenment) 20 Results
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Where due to a mental breakthrough, the protagonist becomes stronger in some sense, whether physically, mentally or spiritually

# Novel Type Year Chapters
1A VIP as Soon as You Log InWeb Novel2019Completed(345)
2Absolute Great TeacherWeb NovelN/ACompleted(1341)
3Advent of the ArchmageWeb Novel2016Completed(726)
4Demons and GodsWeb Novel2015496/500
5Grasping EvilWeb Novel2013833/1243
6Library of Heaven’s PathWeb Novel2016Completed(2268)
7Martial Movement UpheavalWeb Novel2011Completed(1317)
8Nano MashinWeb Novel2017Completed(483)
9Omniscient Reader’s ViewpointWeb Novel2018Completed(551)
10Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?Light Novel2009222/300
11Sanjie DuzunWeb Novel2014Completed(2376)
12Sheng WangWeb Novel2011Completed(1601)
13The Divine Martial StarsWeb Novel20171035/1245
14The Nine CauldronsWeb Novel2009Completed(621)
15The Spiritual Attainment of MingheWeb Novel2017Completed(418)
16Trash of the Count’s FamilyWeb Novel2017949/800
17Unparalleled After Ten Consecutive DrawsWeb NovelN/A2595/1241
18Warrior’s PromiseWeb Novel20163336/2941
19Worlds’ Apocalypse OnlineWeb Novel20171847/2212
20Wuji TianxiaWeb Novel2012Completed(2275)